You’ve done it all, prepared your luggage, gathered the road snacks, and even went out to get your oil changed. However, one of the most common things that people tend to neglect when driving long distances or planning to use their car a lot is to prepare for common roadside car emergencies. Thus, the following list includes six of these roadside emergencies and how to prepare for them.
Car Accident
Today, the mentality of many drivers is that it can never happen to them. However, statistics point that over 77 percent of car drivers have been involved in some type of car accident. So, what should you do if this, unfortunately, happens to you? In the event of a car accident, according to Bruscato Law, it’s important to put safety first, always check for injuries, get the other driver’s information, talk to witnesses, take notes of your surroundings, gather visual evidence, file a claim, and get checked out by a doctor. Following this procedure will allow you to not only receive any benefits from your insurance company for medical bills, but it can even save you in court if the other driver attempts to place fault on you.
Overheating Engine
Unfortunately, if you don’t have a modern car, it is hard to tell when your engine is increasing in temperature. Of course, this can be seen when smoke begins to come out of your hood, and suddenly your vehicles shut down. By this time, the damage has been done, and you’re stuck on the side of the road. So, what should you do? The first thing you must do is turn off your car once you’re safely on the side of the road. Then wait a few minutes for the engine to cool down. Usually, according to World Class Auto Repair, the problem arises from low levels of oil or a problem with your water pump which can have also been caused by a coolant leak that will need the services of a mechanic to fix.
Jump Starting a Dead Battery
Dead batteries are a pretty common occurrence, and thus the reason you should be prepared. Dead batteries are caused by a number of things, from leaving your headlights on for a long period of time or by simply neglecting to change them. The good news here is that it is fairly easy to get your battery working again using jumper cables and another running car. If you are stuck on the side of the road, you may choose to call roadside services or even the police if you aren’t feeling safe enough to wait alone.
Stuck Vehicle
According to Four Wheeler, heavy rain or snow can easily create conditions where your car is overtaken by mud or snow, thus preventing it from moving. So, how can you get your car out safely and as quickly as possible? Understanding how a car gets stuck is important. Usually, the issue is a lack of traction between the wheel and the material. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to attempt to force yourself out. Instead, make it a point to carry rough material such as kitty litter or small rocks to pour next to the tires and create enough traction to get out.
Running out of Gas
You may have overestimated how much your car can really drive with a full tank of gas; now, you find yourself staring at that empty fuel light on your dashboard. There are some tools you should always carry in your car so you can be prepared if this happens. One includes a spare gas can along with your phone’s GPS to find the nearest gas station. If you are simply too far from a gas station to walk safely, you may utilize your phone to call roadside services.
Road Closure Due to Weather
Oftentimes during severe weather, your local government will seek the assistance of the state highway patrol to close potentially dangerous areas. These may include bridges prone to flooding or dry patches of highway that may be on fire. The best thing to do is to adhere to the orders of the authorities and take an alternative route. However, before you do this, it is important to understand how much farther your new route will take you and if you have the necessary fuel to get there.
When it comes to driving, there are lots of things that can go wrong. Although accidents and inconveniences will happen, you, as the driver, can take steps to prevent the issue from becoming worse. Simply adhere to the list above to have a better idea of what areas you need to begin to cover.
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